Hathershaw College

Charging & Remissions Policy


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Charging and Remissions Policy




The Governing Body believe that all our students should have an equal opportunity to benefit from school activities and visits independent of the parents’ financial means.  This charging and remissions policy describes how we will do our best to ensure a good range of visits and activities is offered and, at the same time, try to minimise financial barriers which may prevent some students taking full advantage of the opportunities.


Charging for activities and materials used in support of the curriculum 

The Governors reiterate the equal right of access to the whole curriculum by any pupil within the Academy. This curriculum will be delivered to all pupils without charge.  At the same time, it is recognised that the curriculum may be enriched by activities and materials which could not be made freely available within the scope of existing resources, and these activities and materials will only be available if sufficient voluntary contributions are available from parents.


Activities outside the curriculum


The Governors recognise that certain activities, whilst lying outside the scope of the school curriculum, do support the education, nurture and development of the students. It is the intention of the Governors to charge for such activities, always with the provision that requests for financial support by parents will be treated sympathetically.



Students’ Personal Equipment


It is the policy of the Governors that all students should wear the specified school uniform. Parents will be expected to provide uniform as well as specific clothing in such areas as PE & Design & Technology.


Educational materials 

The Academy will continue to provide textbooks and materials that are required for learning and teaching. Should such materials, which are issued to students, become lost or damaged parents will be required to reimburse the school for their replacement cost.


Some areas of the curriculum enable students to complete projects which they will later wish to own. When this is the case, parents may be expected to meet the cost of the materials involved.


Field trips and visits


As part of an examination module


There will be no compulsory charge for these activities except in the case of board and lodging on residential visits. It is therefore the intention of the Governors to ask for voluntary contributions from parents to cover the cost.

In the case of residential visits, the cost of board and lodging will be charged to parents.





(Where the governing body have determined to charge for board and lodging on a

school trip the following paragraph must be included).

Students whose parents are in receipt of government support payments may, in addition to having a free school lunch entitlement, also be entitled to the remission of charges for board and lodging costs during residential school trips. The relevant support payments are:

a) Universal Credit

b) Support under part V1 of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999

c) Child Tax Credit, where the parent is not entitled to Working Tax Credit and whose annual income specified by the Inland Revenue does not exceed the financial threshold for the current year.


Voluntary Contributions


As an activity outside the curriculum


Many activities take place, which, whilst not being an essential part of the Academy or an examination course, do support work inside the curriculum and develop the social and cultural awareness of students. The participation in these activities by students is largely a matter of parental choice.  Where they take place mainly outside school hours, parents will be expected to pay the whole cost of a student’s participation.


Examination entry


No charge will be made for a student’s entry into an examination. However, parents will be responsible for examination fees when the student fails to attend, except in the case of sickness.


Damage to property


Parents will be expected to pay the replacement cost of property which has been damaged by a student through negligence or maliciousness.



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