Curriculum Intent
Our Context
The Hathershaw College, a Pinnacle Learning Trust Academy, is an 11-16 comprehensive school judged by OFSTED to be ‘good’. Our internal self-evaluation which has been externally validated continues to confirm this judgement and we have a clear ambition to be ‘outstanding’. As a result of our provision, the quality of teaching and high expectations, the progress that pupils make is above the national average. The changes we have made to our curriculum are enabling teachers to focus on achieving greater depth in what pupils study and the introduction of music is helping to ensure the arts and creative aspects of our provision are even more vibrant. All children, whatever their background or ability, have access to broad and balanced provision which is at least as ambitious as the National Curriculum.
Our Vision
As a result of our context, our vision is to:
- ensure that all students make outstanding progress irrespective of starting points that are often significantly lower than the national average, and those facing disadvantage are lifted from educational and social poverty
- establish a culture of high expectations, aspirations and optimism in a borough of high deprivation, unemployment and levels of progression to higher education that are below the national average
- provide students with a curriculum that is ambitious offering breadth and depth with an ability to study as many subjects as possible for as long as possible, with an appropriate balance between academic and vocational subjects to inspire and accelerate progress for an intake that is often significantly lower than the national average
- develop independent and self-regulated learners who are confident and resilient
- rapidly improve reading proficiency in order to mitigate against low levels of literacy on entry, high proportions of EAL students and a lack of access to books in the community
- ensure students stay physically and mentally healthy in a community where 1 in 10 children and young people are affected by mental health problems and adults have lower than national life expectancy
- deliver a curriculum that is rich in spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences, that promotes British values and celebrates the rich diversity of our multi-cultural school community by teaching young people to have tolerance for all faiths and cultures, and those whose characteristics are protected by law
- develop lifelong learners who are adaptable and are able to transfer their skills in order to be employed in occupations or professions which provide opportunities for progression in a 21st Century global economy
Our Curriculum Intent
Curriculum encompasses more than what is taught in the classroom. Experiences and opportunities outside the classroom form a vital part of the “body of knowledge” young people will gain during their time at school. We are highly ambitious for our children, irrespective of their background or academic ability.
To deliver a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum for all our children including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Examples of how we achieve this:
- Through the implementation of a three-year KS3
- Students are offered a wide range of GCSE and vocational subjects during the options process
- All students are offered the same courses at KS4
- Being ambitious to develop the curriculum further by exploring future courses including triple Science, multiple languages, music and Computing.
- Working to bridge the digital divide
To ensure that students leave with the best possible grades in high quality qualifications; providing them with prospects and enabling them to access further education, training and careers.
Examples of how we achieve this:
- High standards and challenging learning environments
- A culture of high aspirations including links with FE and HE
- Creating a caring and supportive environment
- Fostering study habits and self-reliance
To provide a challenging and well sequenced curriculum which deepens and broadens knowledge as students move through each year and key stage; building on previous knowledge so they know more and remember more.
Examples of how we achieve this:
- Curriculum leaders map out provision to ensure that the level of challenge increases each year from the end of KS2 to KS4
- On-going professional development to enhance teaching and leadership
To grow cultural capital both within and beyond the college by providing students with a range of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences aimed at improving their general knowledge and broadening their aspirations for future employment.
Examples of how we achieve this:
- Educational trips to various cities and towns
- Trips abroad to Spain, France and Amsterdam
- Aspirational trips to Colleges and Universities from Year 8 to 11
- Student council
- Student ambassador programme
- The Oldham Pledge
- Duke of Edinburgh programme
- External speakers from industry
- STEM events
- Theatre performances and trips
- Extra-curricular sports and sporting trips
To improve levels of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum. This includes significantly increasing their vocabulary, improving their application of mathematics in Science and Humanities and providing a rigorous and systematic approach to reading development.
Examples of how we achieve this:
- Delivery of reading and numeracy intervention programmes
- Cross faculty support between Maths and Science for numeracy
- Spelling Bee, Class readers, Non-negotiable for reading in lessons
- Whole school focus on the teaching of extended writing
- Whole school focus on improving oracy