DSL & Deputy DSL
At The Hathershaw College we are fortunate to have a dedicated pastoral team to look after the welfare and safeguarding of your child. Three members of the Senior Leadership team, including the Principal, support the pastoral team to deliver the best possible outcomes for our students.
If you are a parents/carer and you have a concern about the welfare/safety of your child or another child that attends The Hathershaw College, but there is little/no immediate risk of harm, please contact the school as soon as possible on 0161 770 8555 to discuss these concerns. Alternatively, please do not hesitate to contact:
- Nichola Baker – Assistant Principal (Designated Safeguarding Lead): nba@hathershaw.org.uk
- Paddy Harwood – Student Support (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead): phw@hathershaw.org.uk
You may also wish to include your child’s Year Manager in this communication using the email address below:
- Year 7 - Ashleigh Daniels: adn@hathershaw.org.uk
- Year 8 – Andrea Oliver: ao@hathershaw.org.uk
- Year 9 – Jemma Lawton: jla@hathershaw.org.uk
- Year 10 – Sharon Blundell: sbl@hathershaw.org.uk
- Year 11 – Lynne McAiney: lmc@hathershaw.org.uk