Hathershaw College

French (MFL)

Curriculum Intent

  • To develop passionate linguists who are resilient and independent in order to establish a culture of high expectations and inspire progression to further education in academic subjects.
  • To develop confident speakers of French who are aware of the culture of French speaking countries in order to create lifelong learners and practical skills to enable future employment in a variety of contexts.
  • To allow students to benefit from opportunities to experience aspects of culture they would not normally experience within the community through educational visits and the regular use of authentic materials, enabling them to develop cultural capital, raise aspirations by showing that there is a bigger world outside of their community and tackle deprivation by supporting them financially to access these opportunities provided by the department.
  • To foster a genuine desire for the study of languages and inspire students to pursue languages beyond the classroom as well as in further education and employment, ensuring they are able to see the benefits as well as the importance of studying a language and the many opportunities they provide within their communities and in the wider world.
  • To raise awareness of etymology and how languages are interlinked so that they have a better understanding of other languages around them. The aim is to make languages relevant to their social context and deepen their understanding of how languages can be applied to many professions and inspire students to have higher aspirations.
  • To ensure students have a sound understanding of French grammar, including the ability to apply it in new context in order to rapidly improve lower literacy levels on entry
  • To ensure students are experiencing a wide range of written materials in differing styles and audiences to enable students more access to otherwise limited literacy resources and access to books within their community.

 What your child will learn in KS3 French

Click on the topics for more information.


La Rentrée

(Start of the School year)

En Classe

(In Class)

Mon Temps Libre

(My Free Time)

Ma Vie De Famille

(My Family Life)

En Ville

(In Town)


Culture and Skills


 Vive Les Vacances!


J’adore Les Fêtes!

(Celebrations and Festivals)

À Loisir

(Leisure Activities)

Le Monde Est Petit

(Where You Live)

Le Sport En Direct


Culture and Skills


Mon Monde à Moi

(My World)

Projets d’avenir

(Future Plans)

Ma Vie En Musique

(My Life in Music)

Le Meilleur des Mondes

(Brave New World)

Le Monde Francophone

(French Speaking World)

Culture and Skills

 What your child will learn in KS4 French


Free Time


School Life

Keeping Healthy 



Our Planet


Bon Travail!


Un oeil sur le monde

(Global Issues)

Revision and Skills/Exams

Year 10 Exam Specification

Year 11 Exam Specification 

 French SMSC Statement

Spiritual development in MFL

Students are taught to accept and embrace other languages and cultures through the teaching of MFL. In relation to this, students are educated on the religious beliefs of the people in countries of the language they are learning, particularly Catholicism in France and religious restrictions. A whole range of GCSE topics, and KS3 material covers topics from travel to education, healthy living and social awareness. Students are encouraged to be empathetic to the cultures, beliefs and traditions of others and stereotypes are challenged where necessary.

Moral development in MFL

Students are encouraged to show empathy and understanding to others and learn about right from wrong and the choices historical figures from French culture have made. Stereotypes and intolerance are challenged through the teaching of language and culture. The MFL schemes of learning identify and explore many moral issues in a global society context. It covers famous people, equality of education within a global content, travel as a means of exploring the world, and media and new technology.

Social development in MFL

Students are encouraged to work independently in lessons and proactively use the target language in classwork, whether through pair work, co-operative learning techniques or group work. Students are often differentiated in groups of varied abilities to encourage social interaction with others in the class with whom they may not usually interact. Students are encouraged to experiment with language and learn from their mistake. There is a supportive environment in MFL classes where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, rather than as failures. The students are encouraged to use each other as a learning tool and develop social strategies for dealing with confrontational situations or problems.

Cultural development in MFL

Cultural development and cultural awareness are fundamental in language learning at The Hathershaw College. At all stages of MFL teaching and learning, cultural development is at the forefront of our success criteria. Exploration of language and culture is key to language learning, whether through lessons or school trips. Students are encouraged to embrace ‘difference’ at all stages of their linguistic development and accept ideas which may be ‘alien’ to them, as culturally significant. Students are encouraged to discuss and challenge stereotypes within a national and international context. Media and new technology are encouraged to explore students’ interest in language and culture in all aspects of their learning.





Spiritual development in MFL

Students are taught to accept and embrace other languages and cultures through the teaching of MFL. In relation to this, students are educated on the religious beliefs of the people in countries of the language they are learning, particularly Catholicism in France and religious restrictions. A whole range of GCSE topics, and KS3 material covers topics from travel to education, healthy living and social awareness. Students are encouraged to be empathetic to the cultures, beliefs and traditions of others and stereotypes are challenged where necessary.

Moral development in MFL

Students are encouraged to show empathy and understanding to others and learn about right from wrong and the choices historical figures from French culture have made. Stereotypes and intolerance are challenged through the teaching of language and culture. The MFL schemes of learning identify and explore many moral issues in a global society context. It covers famous people, equality of education within a global content, travel as a means of exploring the world, and media and new technology.

Social development in MFL

Students are encouraged to work independently in lessons and proactively use the target language in classwork, whether through pair work, co-operative learning techniques or group work. Students are often differentiated in groups of varied abilities to encourage social interaction with others in the class with whom they may not usually interact. Students are encouraged to experiment with language and learn from their mistake. There is a supportive environment in MFL classes where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, rather than as failures. The students are encouraged to use each other as a learning tool and develop social strategies for dealing with confrontational situations or problems.

Cultural development in MFL

Cultural development and cultural awareness are fundamental in language learning at The Hathershaw College. At all stages of MFL teaching and learning, cultural development is at the forefront of our success criteria. Exploration of language and culture is key to language learning, whether through lessons or school trips. Students are encouraged to embrace ‘difference’ at all stages of their linguistic development and accept ideas which may be ‘alien’ to them, as culturally significant. Students are encouraged to discuss and challenge stereotypes within a national and international context. Media and new technology are encouraged to explore students’ interest in language and culture in all aspects of their learning.