Hathershaw College

Gateways Programme

Gateways Programme

The University of Manchester Gateways Programme allows learners in Years 7 to 11 to participate in a series of academic enrichment and higher education (HE) awareness activities.  It is targeted at talented local pupils who have the ability to progress into HE, and are from backgrounds that are currently under-represented in higher education.

Hathershaw currently has a cohort of 12 students in Years 7 to 11 who attend the programme each year, culminating in a graduation at the end of Year 11.

Click on the tabs below to find out what each year group do:

Year 7 - University Uncovered

The University Uncovered Visit introduces learners to university through fun, hands-on activities led by current Undergraduates.

Learners develop their knowledge and understanding of the University teaching and learning environment and what it’s like to be a student.


What Happens On The Day?

Learners will go on a Behind-the-Scenes campus tour to see: the Whitworth Hall, the John Owens Quadrangle, and the Students’ Union, the John Rylands University Library, and other significant university sites.

Our University Challenge will introduce subjects that can be studied at university in a competitive and fun way. These ‘challenges’ encourage learners to work together to test their existing knowledge and solve problems. Challenges represent three subject areas:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM)
  • Medical, Human and Biological Sciences  (Life Sciences)
  • Humanities (Arts & Social Sciences).

Year 8 - Familiarisation Visit

The Familiarisation Visit introduces learners to the wide range of different subjects available at university through hands-on, stimulating activities led by postgraduate researchers.

Learners develop their knowledge and understanding of the variety of subject areas at university; and experience one workshop from each of the following subject areas: STEM; Life Sciences; and Humanities.


What Happens On The Day?

The Y8 Familiarisation Visit focuses on the large and diverse range of disciplines offered in Higher Education. Learners will take part in the Alphabet Challenge activity, designed to get them thinking about the range of subjects on offer at University.

In the morning session, learners will work in school groups to interview current students about four aspects of student life: Studying and Learning, Social life and Societies, Living away from home and Jobs and Career prospects.

The majority of the visit is spent in mixed-school groups undertaking three 30-minute workshops: one in STEM, one in Medicine & Healthcare, and one in Humanities. These workshops showcase a specific aspect of studying this subject at university.

Year 9 - Build my future

The “Build my future” day encourages learners to think about what they want from their future – what their natural strengths and talents are and how these can be applied in different University course and career areas e.g. Arts and Humanities; Science and Engineering and Healthcare.

Learners get involved with different activities that focus on the different pathways to careers, transferable skills required by employers and learn about courses and careers in two specific areas of interest to them.


What Happens On The Day?

The Y9 “Build my future” visit is an opportunity for learners to explore potential career opportunities available to them following studying GCSEs, A Levels and a degree in a range of subject areas.

Learners will attend a ‘Me & My Future’ session in the morning. Delivered to the whole group, activities explore skills and strengths, helping learners to realise “it’s not about how clever you are, it’s about how you are clever”.

Learners will then attend three workshops focusing on: Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths; Healthcare; Arts & Humanities. These interactive sessions, led by our postgraduate students, help learners to explore different career areas and skills needed to succeed in these areas. 

Year 10 - Exploration Visit

The Exploration Visit uses the theme of ‘Identity’ as a thread to link the key elements of the day.

Learners have the opportunity to consider their own identity – their preferences, skills and strengths – in exploring the progression routes into careers and courses that they are interested in; and attend a workshop later in the day.


What Happens On The Day?

The Y10 Exploration Visit is an opportunity for learners to realistically consider their future options. A ‘Researching Your Future Options’ workshop gives learners an introduction to the research process through thinking about their own options at age 16-18 and 18/19+.

After lunch, learners will have the opportunity to select one subject area from the following faculties: STEM; Humanities; or Life Sciences.

The day will take place in the Manchester Museum, with each workshop situated in a different gallery to showcase the different resources available at University.

Year 11 - Skills for success

 The Skills for Success day focuses on improving learners’ awareness of University learning styles through completing a group research enquiry into a topical issue. Learners mix with pupils from other schools in order to develop communication and group-work skills and to learn from others’ experiences.


What Happens On The Day?

The Y11 Skills for Success Visit uses a problem-based learning approach to a topical issue giving learners the opportunity to experience the group and independent study nature of teaching and learning at a research-intensive university like Manchester.

The visit starts with an introduction to note-taking, which is followed by a short and interactive lecture on the topic for the day. This gives learners the opportunity to practice their new skills. Learners are then grouped according to their general subject interests and given an information pack of resources with a series of questions to answer. These questions form the basis for a presentation that is delivered at the end of the day.

Reflection is undertaken at each stage of the process: from working as a group, to evaluating the resources, and finally to delivering the presentation. The aim of the day is to develop reflective learners who are aware of the process required to complete a task and are able to identify areas for improvement.