General eSafety Tips
The Golden Rules
- Teach them not to put too much personal information online, and make sure they know what to do if they feel uncomfortable.
- If it’s illegal offline, it’s illegal online.
- Social media is always changing. Talking with your child will help you keep up-to-date with what they are using.
- Try and talk to your children about what they do online. An honest and open relationship is a great way of being included with their online activity.
- Set up a ‘contract of use’ for devices in the home which sets out boundaries, such as allowing you to check their devices occasionally, and become their online friend or follower.
Mobile Network Providers
Most UK Mobile Network providers offer free network level filters of content rated 18+ when accessed through 3G/4G.
Device Controls
There will also be parental controls built in to the device your child uses, allowing you to restrict certain apps. and features.
Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
Most UK broadband providers offer free ‘whole-home parental controls’ which apply to any device that
connects to broadband via your home hub/router.
Bear in mind that these parental controls will not work on devices that connect to the internet through data plans (3G or 4G).
Online Slang
LOL | Laugh out loud |
PAW | Parents are watching |
POS | Parents over shoulder |
GNOC | Get naked on camera |
MIRL | Meeting in real life |
IWSN | I want sex now |
420 | Marjuana/weed |
CBA | Can't be arsed/bothered |
ASL | Age, sex, location |
YOLO | You only live once |
Zerg | To gang up on someone |
Peng/Tidy | Really attractive |
CD9 | Code 9 (meaning parents are around) |
WAG1 | Wagwan (meaning 'What's up?') |