Purpose of the Local Governing Body
The LGB is a committee of the Pinnacle Learning Trust Board and provides focused, strategic governance for the school at local level. It monitors the academy's key performance indicators and acts as a critical friend to the Principal, providing challenge where appropriate. It also plays a key part in representing the views of the academy's stakeholders and is responsible for promoting high standards and educational achievement.
The governors exercise the responsibilities and duties delegated by the Trust Board as set out in the Trust’s scheme of delegation.
The role of a governor:
Our governors have a wholehearted commitment to the education of children and young people, to the values and ethos of the Trust and to the school. The most important focus for a governor is the needs of children and their education. Governors have a detailed knowledge of the school in order to fulfil the role of providing strategic support and challenge and play a vital role in ensuring that the LGB is connected with, and is aware of the views of, parents, staff, the local community and other stakeholders. Some governors will be given particular roles within the LGB. Most commonly these relate to Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Special Educational Needs.
Meetings for 2024/25
Name |
10/10/24 |
10/12/24 |
27/3/25 |
19/6/25 |
Ateeque Ur-Rehman |
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Louise Astbury |
X |
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Champa Bhudia |
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Faisal Butt |
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X |
Mark Giles |
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Tony Jones |
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Ben Nightingale |
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Ashley Stewardson |
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Ittbha Aurangzeb (resigned 04/12/2024) |
X |
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Syed Maruf Ali |
N/A |
√ |
Meet the Governors
Governors 2023/24 (ID 1062)
Mark GilesPrincipal
Mark Giles
Ateeque Ur-RehmanChair of Governors and Co-opted Governor
Ateeque Ur-Rehman
Ateeque is a former elected member of Oldham Council and local businessman. He has been Chair of Governors at The Hathershaw College since 2014.
Date of Appointment 1/9/2017
Term of Office: 1/9/2021 - 1/9/2025Appointed by Trustees -
Tony JonesVice Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor
Tony Jones
Tony was a teacher of PE at The Hathershaw College from 1985 until his retirement in 2015, and was the teaching staff governor for the last few years of his employment. He is now Vice Chair of governors and sits on The Pinnacle Learning Trust's Finance & Resources Committee. Tony is the SEND link governor, liaising with the SENCo and SEN staff to actively help raise standards within the faculty.
Date of Appointment 1/9/2017
Term of Office: 01/09/21 - 01/09/2025Appointed by Trustees -
Louise AstburyCo-opted Governor
Louise Astbury
Louise became a Governor in 2014 and shares the school’s vision of raising aspirations and the achievements of young people at Hathershaw. She is the Professional Development Director at Pinnacle Learning Trust and Director of Pinnacle Learning Research School. Louise specialises in evidence-informed leadership, decision making and teaching and learning. As Director of the Research School she is actively involved in training leaders and teachers across Oldham and Tameside.
Date of Appointment 1/9/2017
Term of Office: 03/10/22 - 03/10/2026
Appointed by Trustees -
Faisal ButtCo-opted Governor
Faisal Butt
Faisal joined the trust as a Governor in October 2021, having attended Hathershaw College many years ago himself. He currently works for Legal and General as a Senior Manager. His role involves investment compliance, audit and risk, as well as overseeing operational matters for the organisation. Faisal is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing and has worked as a senior leader across the housing sector for over two decades. He has previously held the position of School Governor for a local primary school. He is keen to support the school to achieve the best learning outcomes for all students.Date of Appointment 6/10/22Term of Office: 8/12/22 - 8/12/2026Appointed by Trustees -
Champa BudiaCo-opted Governor
Champa Budia
Champa has been a school governor for several years, starting at the primary school where her youngest daughter attended. She became a parent governor at Hathershaw in 2019 and once her eldest daughter left school, she was co-opted onto the LGB for another term of office. Champa holds a diploma in safeguarding practices and is the school's Safeguarding Link Governor.
Date of Appointment 4/7/2024
Term of Office: 04/07/24 - 03/07/28
Appointed by the trust board -
Syed Maruf AliParent Governor
Syed Maruf Ali
Syed Maruf Ali is an Assistant Head of Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11) at a prominent secondary school in Oldham, Greater Manchester and a community activist who has inspired many children and young people from deprived backgrounds in Oldham. Maruf has been involved in coaching and managing a Junior Football Team consisting of mainly Bangladeshi boys in Oldham and was responsible for setting up a voluntary organisation called SPARC (Shahjalal Physical Activeness & Recreational Club) in 2018. Maruf has undertaken numerous voluntary roles including working for National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO) and he is also a member of the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) whose role is to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Police. Maruf is a Trustee of a local Community Centre and a local Mosque where he plays a key role in shaping the development of these establishments by formulating and implementing key strategies and policies. Maruf is a very family orientated person and lives with his wife and two children.
Date of appointment 4/11/24
Term of office: 4/11/24 - 3/11/28 -
Ashley StewardsonTeaching Staff Governor
Ashley Stewardson
Ashley has been a PE teacher at Hathershaw since 2008 and is our most recent teaching staff governor. Ashley has additional responsibilities with our most able students and coordinates a programme of events to raise the profile and ensure appropriate provision is in place for these students.
Date of Appointment 13/12/2018
Term of Office: 01/09/2022 - 01/09/2026Elected by Staff -
Ben NightingaleSupport Staff Governor
Ben Nightingale
Ben has been the Senior Science Technician at Hathershaw since 2016. As well as the most recent Non-Teaching Governor role, he also holds a position on the Board of Trustees for a local community Centre.
Date of Appointment 07/10/2021
Term of Office: 07/10/2021 - 07/10/2025
Elected by staff
Multi-Academy Trust Status
The Hathershaw College is now part of The Pinnacle Learning Trust along with Oldham Sixth Form College, Werneth Primary School, Broadfield Primary School and Alexandra Park Junior School . Governance information on the Trustees and Members of the Pinnacle Learning Trust can be found on the PLT website or at the Get Information About Schools website.
The chair of The Governing Body for Hathershaw College is Ateeque Ur-Rehman. Should you need to contact him please telephone the school on 0161 770 8555; alternatively you are able to email for The Chair of Governors' attention to: Governors Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2024-2025
Governors Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2023-2024
Governors Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2022 - 2023
Governors Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2021 - 2022
Registered Office
The Pinnacle Learning Trust
Union Street West
Company Number: 07687135
Tel : 0161 287 8000
Trust registered in England & Wales