Hathershaw College

Hathershaw Recognised with Award

Hathershaw Recognised with Award

Another reward for all of the hard work and effort that our staff AND parents undertake was given to the college on Friday 20th March.

It also recognises the great relationship we have with our parents and the community to better help our students achieve their potential, and the efforts we go to to communicate effectively with parents, including the traditional letters home, weekly bulletins on the website, and the more modern Twitter and our own Hathershaw app for Android and Apple mobile phones.

The Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) is a national award that provides a coherent framework through which schools, early years settings and other educational organisations can deliver effective parental engagement from early years to post-16. We feel that this award is extremely important because, during the past ten years, research, both national and international, has concluded that the engagement of parents is vital to the education of children and young people. As they spend only 15 per cent of their time in school, and six times longer out of it, this is hardly surprising!

Below are some of the quotes that the inspectors made within their report about the school.

LPPA Inspector quotes

For more information about the award, please go to http://www.lppa.co.uk/