Our Pass Applications Open
The Our Pass scheme is the first of its kind
in the UK. Open to eligible 16-18 year olds,
it provides free travel across Greater Manchester bus services, supporting young people at a crucial moment in their lives. Students can also get half price off-peak 1 day and weekend Metrolink travel, as well as access to Our Pass Exclusives : offers and experiences that range from event tickets, careers talks, discounts and freebies.
Applicants will need to be coming out of their GCSE year or equivalent and, even if not moving to sixth form or college, should still be accepted for a pass.
Challenges already faced by young people have been amplified by the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Our Pass tackles these challenges head on, and membership not only improves accessibility to jobs and learning through free bus travel – essential to those who couldn’t otherwise afford it – but opens up a world of experiences, connections and opportunities that they might not otherwise discover. Our Pass broadens the horizons of our young people, in every sense.
Who can apply?
Because the scheme has now been extended beyond the original pilot for at least another year, until August 2022, students who applied for their pass in 2020 are able to continue using their card for a further year, where eligible, and a new intake of students will be welcomed this summer.
How to apply
To apply, students need to go to https://ourpass.co.uk/register . They will need to have some documents ready, and a valid payment card (so that they can pay the one-off £10 administration fee).
The documents and information they will need:
- An email address
- Passport-style photograph
- Proof of date of birth
- Proof that they live in Greater Manchester
- A valid payment card
Need help?
If any students struggle with the application process, you can provide support by encouraging them to look at the information and diagrams at: https://ourpass.co.uk/before-you-get-started .
They can also call Transport for Greater Manchester’s Customer Services team for help, on 0300 232 0777 (open Mon – Fri, 7am – 8pm and 8am – 8pm at weekends).
All queries about the application process, problems in applying, and use of the travel card: help@ourpass.co.uk
For more information and feedback about Our Pass, and Our Pass Exclusives: opportunities@ourpass.info