Sleep well
Sleep is an essential part of our life and has a significant impact on our physical and mental health. At Hathershaw College we are promoting the importance of good sleep to encourage students to adopt a healthy sleep routine. Generally, teens need around 8-10 hours of sleep a night and as adults it is our duty to ensure they get that.
A sleep deprived person cannot meet their full potential. Lack of sleep has been linked to obesity, depression, and impaired learning, as well as other things.
Young people who get enough sleep are more likely to:
- Be mentally alert
- Concentrate in school
- Feel calmer
- Learn more effectively
- Have a stronger immune system
- Release hormones appropriately to support their growth
- Meet their full potential
- And much more!
By making simple lifestyle swaps we can develop good habits to support our sleep. Here are a some of the tips that we are sharing across school to help students sleep better.
- Have a set bedtime and waking time
- Avoid fizzy drinks and caffeine after lunch time
- Swap sugary snacks in the evening for something healthier
- Instead of playing on your phone, read a book
- Go outside and get active instead of gaming
Teen sleep hub has a range of sleep advice and information to help teens and young people to sleep better.
Visit teen sleep hub for more information.