Hathershaw College

The Local Offer

The Local Offer

There are lots of services in Oldham that can be accessed by parents and carers of children with SENd.  Please take a look at the options below to take full advantage of what is available.  These websites are constantly being updated with useful information, links, access to support, service and resources for SENd children and their families.


Oldham's Local Offer

Please click on the banner below to be directed to the Local Offer.

Local Offer: Oldham

Oldham's Local Offer is an online resource for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 and their families.

Please find a list of activities for 11-16 year olds here, as recommended by the Oldham Council's Local Offer. Please ensure that you contact each activity prior to attending due to Covid-19 restrictions as the activities may not be running or may have limitations.



Parents of Oldham in Touch

POINT stands for Parents of Oldham in Touch, and is Oldham’s Established Parent Forum for Parents and Carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with Additional Needs, who live in or access services in Oldham.  

Founded in 2010 with just 45 members, POINT Forum now has over 700 members. They aim to pro-actively represent families, ensuring that parents and carers have greater choice and control to meet their current needs and have a voice in shaping future services.

For more information, please visit their website http://pointoldham.co.uk . It is packed with information to support you and your child or young person. They are determined that through their collaborations across Health, Education and Social Care, that together, they can improve the life chances and aspirations of children and young people with additional Needs and disabilities.

POINT look forward to being YOUR voice on the issues that matter to you!


Oldham SEND Information Advice and Support Service

Oldham SEND Information Advice and Support Service

Formerly known as Parent Partnership, Oldham. Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Advice and Support (IAS) Service is a FREE confidential, impartial and independent service operated by POINT Services.

Oldham SEND IAS Service exists to help parents and carers of children with additional needs and disabilities; and children and young people themselves, in matters relating to their Education, Health or Social Care provision.

Our support services are tailored to your individual needs and are both personal and confidential. More info here: https://www.point-send.co.uk/Pages/Category/oldham-sendiass 


Northwest SEND Monthly Newsletter

The Northwest SEND Monthly Newsletter is an SEND and Inclusion link to useful resources, support groups and activities. It includes the latest local, regional and national SEND news and updates. Find out more and read the newsletters here: https://www.nwsend.network/newsletters 


Family Information Service

Supporting you as a parentAnother Oldham Council service which provides help, advice and support for parents and carers of children aged 0-20 years old.


Your Feedback

Please will you help us share information by adding in any other useful links to resources, training, advice, support and guidance and other local services that you as parents/carers can access via Oldham Councils online directory. 

You can do this two ways: 

1.    Please share any links with: local.offer@oldham.gov.uk 

 2.    You can add or amend yourself by clicking on the following link: Add or amend a service listing in our health, social care and SEND Local Offer directory. - Oldham Council

We strongly encourage all parents of SEND children to add their details to the Oldham Councils' SEND register so that they can receive updates and alerts when new services and resources are added to the Local offer Directory on the following link: Add your child to our 'additional needs' register | Oldham Council



For a guide on how to access the Local Offer via Oldham Council's website, please download the below document. 

PDF icon A Guide to Accessing the Local Offer

PDF icon SEND Local Offer Leaflet

PDF icon What is the Local Offer?