Year 10 Option Choices
Your choices for Year 11
Background Information
You are fast approaching your final year at Hathershaw and will need to make some option choices for when you are in Year 11.
As these are the last choices you will be making here, think carefully about them and perhaps start to think about what you would like to do at College.
In the attached document (top right) you will see a table that you may have become familiar with over the last couple of years. The subjects that you can choose for Year 11 are listed in the “Option 3” column.
You will need to select one first choice subject and a reserve choice.
Think carefully about these as it is very difficult to change them once you have made your decision. Your reserve subject is one you would be happy studying if you do not get your first choice. This is particularly important if you are choosing subjects like GCSE Psychology that was offered for the first time last year and was extremely popular. There are also other new subjects this year like GCSE Photography.
Choose carefully as this is your final opportunity at Hathershaw.
Option Choices
Our curriculum is divided into two sections: core subjects and optional subjects. All students must study core subjects. An optional subject is where you get a choice.
The core subjects you will continue with next year are:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Technology (Product Design OR Textiles OR Food)
- PE
- Citizenship, which will include your post-16 College applications
Optional Subjects
Because we have so many choices available, these are listed in the attached document . It is really important that you make the choice that is right for you and do not simply do what your friend does. You should also think carefully about what they might study at College or the impact of option choices on future career plans.
Good reasons for choosing a subject |
Bad reasons for choosing a subject |
- I enjoy it - I'm really interested in it - It will help me to get a course I want to study at College - It will help me to get the job I want
- My friends are doing it - I like the teacher (you don't necessairily know who will be teaching you) - It sounds easy