Hathershaw College

Pastoral Systems

Pastoral Systems

At The Hathershaw College we are fortunate to have a dedicated pastoral team to look after the welfare and safeguarding of your child.  Three members of the Senior Leadership team, including the Principal, support the pastoral team to deliver the best possible outcomes for our students.  The Pastoral system is as follows:



Mrs Baker - nba@hathershaw.org.uk Assistant Principal (Designated Safeguarding Lead) 

Mr Harwood - phw@hathershaw.org.uk Deputy DSL

Mr Giles - mgi@hathershaw.org.uk Principal

Mrs Daniels - adn@hathershaw.org.uk Year 7 Manager

Mrs Oliver - ao@hathershaw.org.uk Year 8 Manager

Miss Lawton - jla@hathershaw.org.uk Year 9 Manager

Mrs Blundell - sbl@hathershaw.org.uk Year 10 Manager

Mrs McAiney - lmc@hathershaw.org.uk Year 11 Manager

Mrs Ellis - je@hathershaw.org.uk Lead First Aider 

Mrs Roberts - srs@hathershaw.org.uk Attendance Officer