Hathershaw College

Anti-Bullying Leaflet

Anti-Bullying Leaflet

bullying leaflet.pdf

For more information, please see our Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policy.

Here, we will offer helpful advice on:

  • Spotting the signs of bullying
  • What to do if your child is being bullied
  • What to do if your child is bullying others


What is Bullying?

Bullying is defined as behaviour that is:

  • repeated
  • intended to hurt someone, either physically or emotionally
  • often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation


How may your child act if they are being bullied?

Your child may:

  • Begin to perform poorly at school
  • Want to stay off school more often or to stay at home in the evenings/weekends
  • Be reluctant to walk to/from school
  • Want to change schools
  • Become withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence
  • Lose their temper easily
  • Be afraid to use the internet or mobile phone or be nervous when messages are received
  • Have unexplained cuts, bruises or other injuries
  • Bully other children or siblings
  • Have money/possessions that are damaged or 'go missing'
  • Steal money from you 
  • Be hungry because their dinner money has been taken
  • Attempt/threaten to commit suicide or run away

How can you support your child if you suspect they are being bullied?

  • Speak to your child
  • Listen carefully to what your child tells you and get facts e.g. how, when, where, names of bully/bullies etc.
  • Never tell your child to ignore bullying
  • Don't blame your child
  • Try to understand your child; listen and don’t criticise
  • Do not encourage physical retaliation 
  • Make them feel supported with a safe home environment 
  • Don’t presume the problem has gone away; talk regularly
  • Monitor your child’s social media

What should I do if my child is bullying others?

  • Talk with your child and find out why
  • Encourage your child to show empathy, respect and compassion
  • Have clear expectations. Let your child know that bullying is never acceptable
  • Provide clear, consistent consequences for this behaviour
  • Reward new appropriate behaviour and give praise.
  • Be realistic. It takes time to change behaviour so be patient with your child
  • Monitor your child’s social media

What do I do next?

  • Contact your child’s Year Manager, giving factual information

Year 7 manager – Ashleigh Daniels: adn@hathershaw.org.uk 

Year 8 manager – Andrea Oliver: ao@hathershaw.org.uk

Year 9 manager - Jemma Lawton: jla@hathershaw.org.uk 

Year 10 manager – Sharon Blundell: sbl@hathershaw.org.uk 

Year 11 manager – Lynne McAiney: lmc@hathershaw.org.uk 


  • Encourage your child to speak to an adult if the bullying continues


Advice for Parents

If you would like to access further guidance on how to support your child if they are victims of bullying, or they are bullying others, the following organisations can help. Access their support by clicking below.KidscapeNSPCCYoung Minds


Support for Students

The following organisations offer counselling and emotional support to children and young people. Access their support by clicking on them below.

Kooth counsellingContact ChildlineForMe app.


Reporting Online

If your child has been a victim of sexual, online abuse or they're worried this is happening to someone they know, click the CEOP button below. 

Report an online problem



Anti-bullying guide for parents and carers 

Anti-Bullying Poster