Curriculum Intent
Cambridge Nationals (CNAT) Sport will encourage students to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Sport Science. It will develop learning and practical skills that can be applied to real-life contexts and work situations. It will encourage the students to think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically. It will develop independence and confidence in using skills that are relevant to the Exercise, Physical Activity, Sport and Health sector and more widely. The course will prepare participants for physical activity in ways which keeps them safe as well as learning how to react should injuries happen and how to recognise common medical conditions. Students will learn how to conduct fitness tests, including interpreting and feeding back on the data you get from these as well as how to design, implement and evaluate fitness training programmes. It will help develop knowledge of either how the body responds to exercise and understand how technology helps inform us of these changes. Students will develop their skills of team working, research and planning and understand that sports performance goes far beyond just the simple physical movements of the human body.
What your child will learn in CNAT Sport
HT1 | HT2 | HT3 | HT4 | HT5 | HT6 | |
Y10 |
R180 Different factors which influence the risk and severity of injury
R181 Components of fitness applied in sport |
R180 Warm up and cool down routines
R181 Task 1 completion Principles of training in sport
R180 Different types and causes of sporting injuries
R181 Task 2 and 3 completion Organising and planning a fitness training programme |
R180 Reducing risk, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries and medical conditions
R181 Task 4 and completion Evaluate own performance in planning and delivery of a fitness training programme |
R180 Causes, symptoms and treatment of medical conditions
R181 NEA Completion and hand in |
R180 Revision of TA1-5 internal examination
R182 The cardio respiratory system and how the use of technology supports different types of sports and their intensities |
Y11 |
R180 Revision of TA1, 2 and 3
R181 Re-sit completion
R182 The musculo-skeletal system and how the use of technology supports different types of sports and their movements |
R180 Revision of TA4 and 5
R182 Task 1 completion
R182 The short-term effects of exercise on the cardio-respiratory and musculo-skeletal systems |
R180 External examination
R182 Task and 3 completion R182 The long term effects of exercise on the cardio-respiratory and musculo-skeletal systems |
R180 Revision of TA1-5
R182 NEA completion |
R180 Revision of TA1-5 |
R180 Examination (final opportunity) May 22nd |
CNAT Sport SMSC Statement
In CNAT Sport, SMSC and British Values are promoted as an integral part of the subject. The subject naturally provides students with a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about different sports, their bodies and how they react to physical exercise and training and how they can analyse their own performance. As an example, it does this by providing an insight into their own personal fitness. In addition, students are regularly faced with vocational scenarios that involve them thinking through how they can improve a client’s fitness and performance through a variety of methods and principles of training. Students will look at the strengths of the performer and areas for development. Students also gain an insight into the effects of exercise on the body and the long term effects this can produce, this is something that usually produces a high level of engagement. Students also show a willingness to reflect on their experiences.
CNAT Sport also helps to develop a firm grasp of British Values, particularly democracy and the rule of law. They have to ensure the players adhere to the laws of the game. Morally the students also have to use a sense of justice when
dealing with injuries and performance. Should players be allowed to perform when currently injured? Whilst not part of the specification, time is spent considering some of the legislation of specified sports and the impact this could have. Students also understand the consequences of honesty and integrity and the impact that has. For example, if they do not complete a test correctly and possible cheat – this can have an effect on their result and subsequent training programme. This could lead to injury or a lack of success – progression in their plan
Students often work together in CNAT Sport, exchanging ideas and respectfully challenging the opinions of others. CNAT Sport is a vocational subject and working with other students developing a range of social skills and engaging with those from different backgrounds, often outside of their normal friendship group is essential. This provides good preparation for life in the work place and modern Britain.
Students show a huge willingness to participate in sporting opportunities throughout CNAT Sport, working together to show performances and develop fitness all showing very good tolerance to each other and respect.