Careers at The Hathershaw College
At The Hathershaw College we are committed to delivering a Careers Education package that will inspire and motivate our students. Through our curriculum, we believe that our students should experience a wide range of careers so they are well informed about future career paths when they leave the College. In addition, our aim is to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks, as recommended by the government.
Our careers team comprises:
- Mr Travis - Vice Principal and Careers Leader
- Dan Leach – Careers Advisor
- Enamul Islam - Enterprise Advisor
- Sarah Power - The Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Within curriculum areas we also have dedicated teaching staff that help to champion careers implementation in their respective curriculum areas.
Careers Programme Overview
We are committed to providing all pupils with opportunities to develop their skills and make informed decisions about their future, ensuring their aspirations are high and achievable. Here's an overview on what's on offer to all year groups.
Provider Access Policy
CIEAG Strategy and Action Plan
Careers Policy
Apprenticeships and Training Providers
Careers - Apprenticeships
An apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee learns and gains valuable experiences.
Alongside on-the-job training with a real employer, apprentices spend at least 20% of their working hours completing classroom-based learning with a college, university or training provider which leads to a nationally recognised qualification. Apprenticeships are an exciting option for anyone looking to start a career in a specific sector through real world experience.
Find out more:
‘Amazing Apprenticeships’ are a national body tasked with offering apprenticeship support and knowledge for schools and colleges through the ASK programmes. They deliver national projects designed to inform and inspire students about apprenticeships on behalf of the National Apprenticeship Service. As part of their offer they publish a monthly ‘Parent Pack’ designed to provide talking points and advice. The latest version is here:
Training Providers
If you apply for an apprenticeship through a training provider always ensure that they are a reputable organisation. There are a list of training providers in the useful website section of the Careers page. Some examples have been included here.
T Levels are an alternative to A levels, apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses. Equivalent in size to 3 A levels, a T Level focuses on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships.
Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace; employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.
T Level students spend 80% of the course in their learning environment, gaining the skills that employers need. The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement, where they put these skills into action.
Here are some of the local colleges that deliver T-Level courses:
Find your nearest T-Level provider here.
Local Colleges
Year 11 is a key transition time for our students. As well as focusing on gaining the best grades possible, students also consider where they may want to continue their studies; whether it be through our MAT partner The Oldham Sixth Form College, another institution or an apprenticeship. We will continue to welcome colleagues from neighbouring colleges, sixth forms, and apprenticeship and training providers to offer consultations and presentations to our students. As a school, we feel it is important that the students are knowledgeable about their next steps and make an informed decision about their future. Please find links to some of our local colleges- take some time to navigate the various websites and learn about what each institution has to offer.
Schools with a Sixth Form
Blue Coat Sixth Form
Crompton House Sixth Form
North Chadderton School
Employer Engagement
The Hathershaw College recognises the value that employers can provide to students' education and decision making about their future.
We therefore welcome offers of support and involvement from employers across all industries and employees from a wide range of business organisations. We host several careers events throughout the academic year, including organisations supporting the different curriculum areas and providing interactive workshops, career talks and an annual careers fair in June each year; employers, apprenticeship / training providers and representatives from Further and Higher Education are welcome to get involved.
So why not get involved? The Careers and Enterprise Company have launched “Give an Hour”, aimed at bringing our curriculum to life. Please watch the video below for more information.
We already benefit from a large number of volunteers who give up a little bit of time to come to give presentations to our students, talk about the world of work or simply discuss their job, career or pathway. Please take a moment to watch the short introduction video above, to see how you can get involved.
At this point do not worry about times and dates. We will share our menu of events and formats for being involved with all those who sign up to volunteer. It could be a one off, discussing the importance of managing people in a Business lesson, looking after children in Health and Social Care, policing in Sociology, using maths in your everyday work or working as a chef at a hotel. We’d love to build a database of contacts that different curriculum areas could look at to help bring our curriculum to life. You could email our Careers Leader Mr A Travis, Vice Principal, at or contact by telephone on 0161 770 8555. Alternatively, you could connect with us on LinkedIn. We would love to hear from you!
Careers Fair 2024/5
Information for Parents
Careers Education at The Hathershaw College begins in Year 7. As a College we believe in developing a strong work ethic throughout the students’ time with us. To keep up to date with the College’s CIEAG (Careers, Information, Education and Guidance) programme please find our calendared programme for each year group.
If you need any information about the Careers Programme, or could help to provide any support, please contact Mr A Travis, Vice Principal, either via email or the school telephone 0161 770 8555.
Useful Websites
Work Experience - Year 10
Students in Year 10 have the opportunity to get a taste of the world of work through work experience placements. It is up to students to find their own placement, using the guidance and support provided by their teachers. Further information about Year 10 work experience can be found in the guide below:
Careers - Year 11
Year 11 is a key transition time for our students. As well as focusing on gaining the best grades possible, students also consider where they may want to continue their studies, whether it be through our MAT partner, the Oldham Sixth Form College (OSFC), another institution or an apprenticeship. We will continue to welcome colleagues from neighbouring colleges, sixth forms and apprenticeship and training providers to offer consultations and presentations to our students.
The application process starts in September of Year 11. We begin speaking to students throughout Year 10 and 11, preparing them for applications and interviews. All students receive independent advice and guidance from our independent careers advisor – Dan Leach. Interviews generally take place in February of Year 11 and applications for apprenticeships generally start at Easter of Year 11. Dan is in school 5 days a fortnight and if you would like to contact him please do so either via email; or the school telephone; 0161 770 8555.
We encourage ALL our Year 11 students to apply for at least 3 different Post-16 colleges/routes. This is because they need a back-up plan or simply to keep their options open should they change their mind. This is really important for apprenticeships as students need to apply for them independently and may need to persevere during the apprenticeship process.
Positive Steps Support For Parents
The Greater Manchester Apprenticeship and Careers Service
Talking Futures Pathway Options
Youth Employment Careers Advice For Parents
Information for Staff
The government has created a framework of guidelines that as a school we should look to implement. These are known as the Gatsby Benchmarks, a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges. The careers strategy is built around them, and they make a great place to start for planning or improving your programmes.
- A stable careers programme.
- Learning from career and labour market information.
- Addressing the needs of each pupil.
- Linking curriculum learning to careers.
- Encounters with employers and employees.
- Experiences of workplaces.
- Encounters with further and higher education.
- Personal guidance.
Click here or the picture for more information.
Curriculum Areas
It is important you know why your curriculum is being delivered to ensure that all our learners are provided with the best platform of success to get into the careers or profession they desire. You can make your subject careers driven – put a focus onto why they need to know this and how it will help them in the future. Things you could do to make an impact:
- Discuss pathways with your subject, and how it could be taken further at Post 16, degree level or through an apprenticeship, discussing the careers and jobs it could lead to.
- Create a departmental “Careers” display to show routes, and progression in your subject
- Create a poster to show Courses and Apprenticeships in your subject
- Create a display in your room to show why your subject is vital for careers and the world of work
- Invite a guest speaker from one of our local colleges or universities to promote and raise aspirations
- Invite a local business employee/employer to discuss how they use your subject in your lesson
- Arrange a visit to a workplace related to your subject area. Careers can be part of the focus.
- Ensure you liaise with Mr Potts as he may have contacts to help support your ideas.
Labour Market Information (LMI)
Labour Market Information allows us to visualise new and developing routes and pathways, such as technical levels in occupational areas and the expansion of apprenticeships. This source, published nationally, shows labour market information for the Manchester area.
LMI helps provide data, statistics and predictions about present and future trends in the workplace.
Why do we need LMI?
- To identify future trends – which types of businesses are doing well or failing (growth areas)
- To provide information about job vacancies
- To inform of the location of job vacancies – local, regional and national
- To tell us about the types of vacancies – part-time, full-time, temporary, seasonal or permanent
- To clarify the skills and qualifications required by employers including skills gaps
- To predict wage rates
Labour Market in Greater Manchester and Regional
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Construction
- Creative New Media
- Education
- Financial Professional Services
- Health Care
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Public Administration
- Retail
Useful Websites
The Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future!
Discover future jobs with the LMI Skillsometer!
The College closely monitors the number of students who are recorded as not in education, employment or training (NEET) after they have left school.
The table below compares our school NEET figures to that of the local authority. We compare favourably with a NEET % below the LA in both 2022 and 2023. Whilst this rate increased for 2024, this is an increase of only 1 pupil who is currently uncontactable after quiting their chosen College course early. It is encouraging to know that over 97% of our learners consistently attend education, employment or training post-16.
2022 Results |
2023 Results |
2024 Results |
School % |
1.9 |
1.9 |
2.8 |
Local Authority % |
2.13 |
2.09 |
Cohort |
206 |
212 |
211 |
Source: 'Moving on Report' Positive Steps
IAG Award
In recognition of our CEIAG provision, the College is in receipt of ‘The Quality in Careers Standard’ award, providing further verification of the quality and impact of our CEIAG provision.