Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Statement of intent
The Hathershaw College wishes to ensure that students with medical conditions receive appropriate care and support at school. The aim is to ensure that all children with medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health, are properly supported so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential. This policy has been developed in line with the Department for Education’s guidance updated in Aug 2017 – “Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school”. Ofsted places a clear emphasis on meeting the needs of students with SEN and Disabilities and this includes children with medical conditions. This policy has been amended on 16.06.20 in light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic.
1.1. The Local Authority (LA) is responsible for:
1.1.1. Promoting cooperation between relevant partners and stakeholders regarding supporting students with medical conditions.
1.1.2. Providing support, advice and guidance to schools and their staff.
1.1.3. Making alternative arrangements for the education of students who need to be out of school for fifteen days or more due to a medical condition.
1.2. The Governing Body is responsible for:
1.2.1. The overall implementation of the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy and procedures of The Hathershaw College
1.2.2. Ensuring that the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy, as written, does not discriminate on any grounds including, but not limited to: ethnicity/national origin, culture, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
1.2.3. Handling complaints regarding this policy as outlined in the College’s Complaints Policy.
1.2.4. Ensuring that all students with medical conditions are able to participate fully in all aspects of school life.
1.2.5. Ensuring that relevant training provided by the LA is delivered to staff members who take on responsibility to support students with medical conditions.
1.2.6. Guaranteeing that information and teaching support materials regarding supporting students with medical conditions are available to members of staff with responsibilities under this policy.
1.2.7. Keeping written records of any and all medicines administered to individual students and across the school population.
1.2.8. Ensuring the level of insurance/Risk Protection Arrangement in place reflects the level of risk.
1.3. The Principal is responsible for:
1.3.1. The day-to-day implementation and management of the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy and procedures of The Hathershaw College.
1.3.2. Ensuring the policy is developed effectively with partner agencies.
1.3.3. Making staff aware of this policy.
1.3.4. Liaising with healthcare professionals regarding the training required for staff.
1.3.5. Making staff who need to know aware of a child’s medical condition.
1.3.6. Developing Individual Healthcare Plans (IHCPs).
1.3.7. Ensuring a sufficient number of trained members of staff are available to implement the policy and deliver IHCPs in normal, contingency and emergency situations.
1.3.8. Ensuring the correct level of insurance/Risk Protection Arrangement is in place for members of staff who support students in line with this policy.
1.3.9. Contacting the school nursing service in the case of any student who has a medical condition.
1.4. Staff members are responsible for:
1.4.1. Taking appropriate steps to support students with medical conditions.
1.4.2. Where necessary, making reasonable adjustments to include students with medical conditions into lessons.
1.4.3. Administering medication, if they have agreed to undertake that responsibility.
1.4.4. Undertaking training to achieve the necessary competency for supporting students with medical conditions, if they have agreed to undertake that responsibility.
1.4.5. Familiarising themselves with procedures detailing how to respond when they become aware that a student with a medical condition needs help.
1.4.6. Maintaining accurate Medical Profiles for students with acute medical conditions (responsibility of the Lead First Aider)
1.5. NHS Trust Nurses are responsible for:1.5.1. Notifying the school when a student has been identified with requiring support in school due to a medical condition.
1.5.2. Liaising locally with lead clinicians on appropriate support.
1.6. Parents and carers are responsible for:
1.6.1. Keeping the school informed about any changes to their child/children’s health.
1.6.2. Completing a parental agreement for school to administer medicine form before bringing medication into school.
1.6.3. Providing the school with the medication their child requires and keeping it up to date.
1.6.4. Collecting any leftover medicine at the end of the course or year.
1.6.5. Discussing medications with their child/children prior to requesting that a staff member administers the medication. 1.6.6. Where necessary, developing an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) for their child in collaboration with the Principal, other staff members and healthcare professionals.
2. Definitions
2.1. “Medication” is defined as any prescribed or over the counter medicine.
2.2. “Prescription medication” is defined as any drug or device prescribed by a doctor.
2.3. A “staff member” is defined as any member of staff employed at The Hathershaw College, including teachers.
3. Training of staff
3.1. Teachers and support staff will receive training on students with specific medical conditions and annual refresher training is provided on various illnesses such as asthma and diabetes. Annual refresher training on how to use a defibrillator and how to administer an EpiPen is also provided.
3.2. Teachers and support staff who undertake responsibilities under this policy will receive the necessary training externally from the NHS Trust Nurse Team.
3.3. The clinical lead for this training is the School Health Advisor/Community Practice Teacher.
3.4. No staff member may administer prescription medicines or undertake any healthcare procedures without undergoing training specific to the responsibility, including administering
3.5. No staff member may administer drugs by injection unless they have received training in this responsibility
3.6. A record of training undertaken by staff and a list of staff members qualified to undertake responsibilities under this policy, is maintained by the College.
4. The role of the student
4.1. Students who are competent will be encouraged to take responsibility for managing their own medicines and procedures.
4.2. Where possible, students will be allowed to carry their own medicines and devices. Where this is not possible, their medicines will be located in an easily accessible location.
4.3. If students refuse to take medication or to carry out a necessary procedure, parents will be informed so that alternative options can be explored. 4.4. Where appropriate, students will be encouraged to take their own medication under the supervision of a member of staff.
5. Individual Healthcare Plans (IHCPs)
5.1. Where necessary, an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) will be developed in collaboration with the student, parents/carers, Principal, Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and medical professionals.
5.2. IHCPs will be easily accessible whilst preserving confidentiality.
5.3. IHCPs will be reviewed at least annually or when a student’s medical circumstances change, whichever is sooner.
5.4. Where a student has an Education, Health and Care plan or special needs statement, the IHCP will be linked to it or become part of it.
5.5. Where a student is returning from a period of hospital education or alternative provision or home tuition, we will work with the LA and education provider to ensure that the IHCP identifies the support the student needs to reintegrate.
6. Medicines
6.1. Where possible, it is preferable for medicines to be prescribed in frequencies that allow the student to take them outside of school hours.
6.2. If this is not possible, prior to staff members administering any medication, the parents/carers of the student must complete and sign a ‘parental agreement for a school to administer medicine’ form.
6.3. No student will be given any prescription or non-prescription medicines without written parental consent except in exceptional circumstances.
6.4. Where a student is prescribed medication without their parents’/carers’ knowledge, every effort will be made to encourage the student to involve their parents while respecting their right to confidentiality.
6.5. No student under 16 years of age will be given medication containing aspirin without a doctor’s prescription.
6.6. Medicines MUST be in date, labelled, and provided in the original container (except in the case of insulin which may come in a pen or pump) with dosage instructions. Medicines which do not meet these criteria will not be administered.
6.7. A maximum of four weeks supply of the medication may be provided to the school at one time.
6.8. Controlled drugs may only be taken on school premises by the individual to whom they have been prescribed. Passing such drugs to others is an offence which will be dealt with under our Drug and Alcohol Policy.
6.9. Medications will be stored in the Medical Room.
6.10. Any medications left over at the end of the course will be returned to the student’s parents.
6.11. Written records will be kept of any medication administered to students.
6.12. Students will never be prevented from accessing their medication.
6.13. The Hathershaw College cannot be held responsible for side effects that occur when medication is taken correctly.
7. Emergencies
7.1. Medical emergencies will be dealt with under the school’s emergency procedures.
7.2. Where an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) is in place, it should detail: • What constitutes an emergency • What to do in an emergency
7.3. Students will be informed in general terms of what to do in an emergency such as telling a member of staff.
7.4. If a student needs to be taken to hospital, a member of staff will remain with the student until their parents arrive.
8. Covid-19
8.1. Illness
If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste/smell (anosmia) in an education or childcare setting, they will be sent home and advised to follow the COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection guidance. If a child is awaiting collection, they will be isolated in a separate room behind a closed door, with an open window for ventilation. Children in this situation will also be provided with a face covering and asked to wear it. A member of staff will periodically check on their well-being, whilst ensuring their own safety, whilst parents or carers travel to school.
8.2. Self-isolation and testing
When a young person develops symptoms compatible with Covid-19, they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self- isolate for 14 days. All students have access to a test if they display symptoms of Covid-19 and are encouraged to get tested immediately. To access testing, parents/carers will be advised to use the 111 online Covid-19/Coronavirus service. Evidence of the outcome of this test will be required by the College. Where the young person tests negative, they can return to school and the fellow household members can end their self-isolation. Where the young person tests positive, the rest of their class or group will be sent home and/or contacted to advise them to access a test themselves and to self-isolate for 14 days. Other household members of the wider class or group do not need to self-isolate unless the young person they live with tests positive and/or subsequently develops symptoms. The Hathershaw College will work with Public Health England’s local health protection teams and seek advice on the most appropriate action to take. In some cases a larger number of other young people may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure – perhaps the whole class or year group.
8.3. Shielding
It is recognised that a number of students are either shielding themselves due to medical conditions or shielding a family member. In these cases, weekly welfare calls will continue to be made to the students/families in order to offer information, advice and guidance on a potential return date to the College and to reassure families of the precautions in place.
8.4. Mental Health
Regular welfare checks will take place with all parents or carers in order to ensure our students and their families are supported during these challenging times. Regular communication will take place with students/families to inform them of mental health services available through the College locally and nationally.
8.6 First Aid
Qualified First Aiders in the College continue to have a duty of care to ALL of our students. Additional safety measures will be in place for all first aiders to include;
- Clinical-grade PPE provided to all qualified first aiders including a face mask, apron, gloves and visor. First aiders advised to carry this at all times in a sealed plastic bag.
- All first aiders are advised to follow the latest guidance on delivering CPR to a person suspected of having Covid-19; chest compressions only are to be initiated.
8.7 Minimising risk
The Hathershaw College has put in place a number of safety measures to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 and minimise the risk to all pupils including those with medical conditions, for example:
- Informing and staff and students of the safety measures in place and our modified and enhanced behaviour expectations
- Social distancing markers around the College to remind students of the current rules
- Increased hand sanitising stations
- Staggered arrival and dismissal times for students
- Reduced class sizes; students placed in limited ‘bubbles’ (less than 11 students per class) in order to reduce contact with other peers
- Reduced staffing numbers per day working with each student ‘bubble’
In addition to the above actions which reflect Government guidance, the College has also implemented the following:
- A one-way system in place for movement around the building
- Supervised break times within the classroom
- Supervised toilet breaks
- Individual stationery boxes • Specific student regimes
- Enhanced cleaning routines, including on-going cleansing during the day.
Safety precautions will be reviewed in line with Government guidance as it is updated.
9. Avoiding unacceptable practice
9.1. The Hathershaw College understands that the following behaviour is unacceptable: • Assuming that students with the same condition require the same treatment.
- Ignoring the views of the student and/or their parents.
- Ignoring medical evidence or opinion. • Sending students home frequently or preventing them from taking part in activities at college.
- Sending the student to the medical room or college office alone if they become ill.
- Penalising students with medical conditions for their attendance record where the absences relate to their condition.
- Making parents feel obliged or forcing parents to attend college to administer medication or provide medical support, including toilet issues.
- Creating barriers to students participating in college life, including college trips.
- Refusing to allow students to eat, drink or use the toilet when they need to in order to manage their condition.
10. Insurance/Risk Protection Arrangement
10.1. Members of staff who undertake responsibilities within this policy are covered by the college’s insurance/Risk Protection Arrangement.
10.2. Details of the insurance/Risk Protection Arrangement arrangements your college has in place which covers staff providing support to students with medical conditions (see Appendix 8).
10.3. Full written insurance policy/Risk Protection Arrangement documents are available to be viewed by members of staff who are providing support to students with medical conditions. Those who wish to see the documents should contact the Business Manager.
11. Complaints
11.1 Our complaints procedure is available on the school’s website. In the first instance, please contact the Principal.
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Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy